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51 Benoi Road, Block 3, Level 2, Singapore 629908
Transfer of Exhaust Gas, Dry Bulk Materials, Diesel, Hydrocarbons, Oxygen, Air etc.
Metal Expansion Joints, Boiler Relief Valve Sealing, Pulverized Coal Cyclone Feeders, Boiler Draft Systems, BOF Lance, Diesel Engine Exhaust, Rail & Tank Car Unloading, Ship & Barge Unloading, fuel Oil Transfer, Oven Exhaust, Suction & Air Intake lines, Pneumatic Transmission of Flake or Pelletised Plastics, Grain, Coal Dust, Slag, Dry Granular or Abrasive Materials, Loading or unloading of Containers, Silos, Elevators, Air Intake for Diesel Superchargers, Exhausting Gases from Ovens and Furnaces, Boiler Draft System Expansion Joints, Vacuum & Collection, Ventilation, Protective Casting etc…
Nominal Bore
1/2” to 28” NB
Operating Pressure
Vacuum to +34 Bar
Operating Temperature
Up to +260 Deg C (with Packing Material) or +815 Deg C (without Packing material)
- Tube : Interlock Stainless Steel 304
- Packing : Cotton, Elastomer, Silicone
End Fitting Type
Fixed & Floating Flanges, Male Threaded Nipples, Female Threaded Swivel Nuts, Quick Disconnect Couplings, etc.